You've Found a Date!

June 30, 2020

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

Twins (1988)

It’s the podcast where a filmmaker and a comedian re-watch the 80s movies we think we love or love to hate with these, our modern eyes to see how they hold up. This movie has it all! Secret islands full of genetic experiments, baby makin’ milkshakes, Arno

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Marvel Movie Minute

IH072: A New York State of Minding Your Manners.

In minute seventy-two of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob begin with helpful tips for visiting New York City because our heroes are making their way to the Big Apple. We then take a detour to awkward silences. Pause here and don’t make eye contact. That will help when we talk about Tim Roth’s digital body makeover.

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

In the Money Zone — A Budgetary Q$A!

We’re at the end of our mini-series on ADHD and money and, just like with our finances, we have to be ready to PIVOT! When a guest has a last minute conflict, we’re ready to talk about budgets, and bills, and more with your questions!

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