
A podcast exploring horror in film across classics and subgenres with Kyle Olson, Tommy Metz, Kynan Dias, Pete Wright, and more.

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Meanwhile ... On the podcast

Survival Horror

You’ll never look at birds… or malls, mansions and wedding games… in the same light again. Listen now… if you dare! Just keep some spare ammo and a med pack handy just in case. It’s survival horror on Sitting in the Dark.

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You Don’t Belong Here

The world is a beautiful place—stunning vistas, the highest mountains, and most expansive rivers. But what happens when we, puny humans, decide to make our pastime of exploring these natural wonders too aggressively? The environment gets aggressive back. 

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Lost in Translation: Deciphering the Unknown

Tommy is in the big chair leading us on a journey of discovery that leads… nowhere. That’s right, what do you get when you are forced to reckon the horrors of miscommunication? It’s nothing good… that’s what. The Mothman Prophecies, Dark Skies, and Midsommar are all on deck this week!

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