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Colorado College CBO Robert Moore on the Coming Economic Change in Higher Ed, Hiring, and Creating Inclusive Teams

Robert Moore serves as Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration at Colorado College in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This week on the show, Moore joins Megan Strand for a conversation on the coming wave of change to higher education. For Moore, it all starts with cost.

The economic model has to change, says Moore. While privates are seeing net tuition revenue fall due in part to increased merit aid, public institutions are facing direct impacts from state revenue contribution declines. The bottom line: “Fewer and fewer people are willing to pay what has traditionally been the model of higher education.”

Moore sees higher education as a significant platform and opportunity for change and offers his field as one ripe for new, young and diverse talent who are eager to solve complex problems. Listen in to hear some of his more important, on-the-job lessons in hiring the right people and creating a culture of inclusive communication.

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