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Ethics of the Clone Wars • Vacation Cast

I’m on vacation this week, and the internet is a lot worse than I had hoped up here, so I couldn’t produce a new episode. Instead, here is an episode that was released on Superhero Ethics about the ethics of The Clone Wars TV show, which also seemed deeply relevant to this podcast. Enjoy, and we’ll be back with new episodes soon!

The Clone Wars TV show takes the well-known stories of the fall of Anakin and the Jedi, gives them nuance and moral complexity, and explores questions relevant to our world. What happens to peacekeepers when they become generals? What is the moral value of clones, and how were they treated? And what happens when people fight a war without asking why?

Star Wars fans and former guests Paul Hoppe and Jonah Kellman join me to dive into these questions and more as we look at the ethical questions from The Clone Wars TV show.

Paul Christopher Hoppe, AKA ZenMadman, is a writer, teacher, and student of poker, chess, language, and life. Find out more here:

A millennial, Gen Z’er, and Gen X’er walk into a cantina …

Each of us came into Star Wars in our own way, at our own time, and there is so much we can learn from each other when those differences fuel conversation, not conflict. Join Erin, Matthew, and Alex as we share our love for the galaxy far, far away on the Star Wars Generations Podcast!

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