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Futurist Bryan Alexander on Trends, Innovation, and Hope for Higher Ed of Tomorrow

The demographic landscape is evolving, and in so doing, providing the richest opportunity that higher education has had in decades, according to futurist, researcher, and writer Bryan Alexander. These demographic trends, the aging of the student body, the demands of technology in and out of the classroom, all function to shake the worldview of those in a position to lead today’s institutions.

This week, Alexander offers a rich landscape to tread as we navigate our own future as CBOs. The silver lining? Thanks to science fiction, social media, and a generation of students ready to get to work, there is real innovation taking place in many sectors of higher ed, as long as we’re willing and able to embrace it!

Explore Issues Shaping the Business of Higher Education.

In this podcast series, hear colleagues, experts, and industry leaders explore issues, provide best practices, offer solutions to new questions that may not have been asked before, and think through how recent developments will shape their institutions in the months and years ahead.

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