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The Mortgage Crisis and You

This week on Beer:30 Live!, Jason Seibel from Greater NW Mortgage joins us to talk about the current mortgage crisis in the US. He fills us in on the loans to avoid, the loans to covet, and how to get out from under the weight of a heavy market. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, so says the expert, all this week on the show! Special thanks to McMenemin’s, John Barleycorn’s, in Tigard, Oregon for letting us take up a booth of the place, with beer and tater tots, by the window. Comments, shoot us email at Got a great idea for the show? Send it to BarBoy! And now, subscribe to the show directly in iTunes.

The first Podcast of TruStory FM (before TruStory FM was even a thing).

What started as a show about education evolved into a tavern talk show. While the hosts changed over time, the shenanigans were always the same.

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