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Career Conversations episode 108

Marissa Pace: Fully Engage and Fail Forward

In this episode, host Christine Simone interviews Marissa Pace, associate vice president of business and financial affairs at Spelman College. Pace shares her journey transitioning from corporate finance roles to higher education administration, driven by the mission to educate and serve students.

Key Takeaways:

  • Higher ed provides a sense of purpose
  • Engage fully in roles to understand how you fit into the bigger picture
  • Fail forward – mistakes provide opportunities to learn and grow
  • Build relationships and diverse networks of mentors
  • Take risks and accept new challenges to progress careers

Pace’s story shows how following your passion can bring great purpose and fulfillment. Her advice on networking, risk-taking, and learning from failures provides valuable lessons for career transitions.


Insights and advice for business professionals new to higher education.

On Career Conversations, NACUBO’s Christine Simone sits down with higher education professionals to discuss their personal experiences, including successes and challenges of all kinds. They’ll offer career advice and insights as well as nuggets of wisdom for business professionals new to higher education.

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