Costume Designer Antoinette Messam on Amélie
We speak with costume designer Antoinette Messam about her career dressing icons and collaborating with top directors, plus the magical film Amélie, one of her favorites.
Discover the remarkable film directors featured on TruStory FM’s entertainment podcasts. Learn about their creative journeys and lasting contributions to cinema through each of these archive episodes.
We speak with costume designer Antoinette Messam about her career dressing icons and collaborating with top directors, plus the magical film Amélie, one of her favorites.
We love doing our Listener’s Choice episodes — it’s a great way for our listeners to get us to finally talk about movies about which conversations are long overdue. Cameron Ryan, our 2014 Pony Prize winner, got to pick the movie this time, and ended up picking the fantastic black comedy “Delicatessen,” a movie that we both love but for whatever reason just hadn’t gotten around to discussing yet. So now finally, join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we enjoy another Listener’s Choice episode with one of our faves, the Jean-Pierre Jeunet & Marc Caro 1991 film “Delicatessen.”
It’s the end of our conversation about the Alien anthology, ladies and gentlemen, and this week, we discuss Alien: Resurrection, a tough film to watch and an unfortunate end to the anthology (that took a further unfortunate turn by leading the franchise into the Alien Vs. Predator films).