Meet Your Host

Mary Bradbury Jones

When the cat’s away

This week on Beer:30 Live!, Shane is emotionally distressed about running the mixing board, Mary shamelessly spoils the series finale of “The Sopranos” for all us DVD-only viewers, and Jamie ruthlessly insults all international listeners, by country, all while enjoying the political partnership of both Ron Paul and Mit Romney.

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It’s good to be blue

This week on Beer:30 Live!, gracing the table is very special guest Kari Chisholm, co-founder of, one of the most prominent progressive political blogs in the nation.

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Immigration and stuff

Direct from Barleycorn’s in Tigard, Oregon, on this week’s show, we spend some quality time with Hector Ariceaga, Mexican immigrant turned professional technologist and banker.

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Iran II

Direct from Barleycorn’s in Tigard, Oregon, on this week’s show, we hang out with our old friend Mike Mostafavi and talk about Iran. Again. Remember the good old days when all we had to talk about was the HauntaVirus and good music? We do, too. But this whole build up to another war has us exercising our inner Jane Fonda so we need to bounce this around a bit more. People: get involved. All that this week on Beer:30 Live!

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Phil Jones Hunts Hantavirus

Direct from Barleycorn’s in Tigard, Oregon, on this week’s show, we hang out with Phil Jones and talk about his research on Hantavirus. You know, that virus that makes your lungs melt from the inside out so that you drown in your own cellular fluid? Oh, THAT Hantavirus, you say? That’s right, all that and the leftist last word syndrome this week on Beer:30 Live!

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Alex James

On this week’s show, Yep-Rock recording artist Al James from the band Dolorean joins us to talk about his music, shunning the Internet, dismissing piracy, and records… all his glorious records! Plus, hear three live solo acoustic tracks of the new CD, “You Can’t Win”, all this week on Beer:30 Live!

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On this week’s show, we were stood up! That’s right, our scheduled guest aced us. But don’t fear, we had a good old chat with Michael, a prospective med student, about his trials and tribulations and fantasies of saving the world, one virus at a time.

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On this week’s show, Gary Mortensen from the National Combat History Archive joins us to talk about his group’s collection of thousands of hours of historical battlefield film and the changing tide of war as soldiers in Iraq upload their daily lives to YouTube.

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This week, our most popular guest from the old show joins us to school us on Iran. It’s the great Mike Mostafavi, everyone! He’s back and brilliant as ever!

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