Meet Your Host

Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox has been passionate about deep conversations about genre media since childhood, when watching the original Star Trek series with their mother often led to discussions about the ethical questions it raised.

Beyond podcasting, Matthew helps run a small nonprofit dedicated to breaking down barriers to computer science education for youth and also provides consulting services for nonprofits and small businesses.

Over time, their podcasting interests have expanded, launching a Star Wars-focused podcast in 2019 and frequently appearing as a guest or co-host on PandaVision and other shows. While ethical questions are not always the primary focus of their work, Matthew has a knack for finding them in nearly everything they watch.

They are the host and founder of both Star Wars Generations and Superhero Ethics on TruStory FM.

Star Wars Generations episode 232

Star Wars Rebels • S4 E13-14

Riki and I are pushing through to finish our coverage of Rebels, Season 4. This time we talk about episode 13-14.

Only one more episode to go after this one!

We recorded this a while ago, but wound up moving release schedule around so it is coming out now. No bonus content on this episode.

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Superhero Ethics episode 276

Echo, Amputees, & Intersectionality

MCU guru Will Freeland joins me to talk Echo – the story, characters, representation and Kingpin’s return. As an amputee, Echo is incredibly important to me, and I’ve loved the reactions from deaf & indigenous communities. We discuss why this show matters so much.

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Superhero Ethics episode 275

In the Garden of Contemplation

What are the different ways we can find meaning in the midst of suffering? What is the nature of myth, and can we find it in the most mundane of places? And how did Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 and a Thanksgiving podcast tradition of the McElroy brothers and friends lead us to these topics?

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Star Wars Generations episode 230

Return of the Jedi

Ewoks, yay or nay? Yub Nub or Victory Celebration? Why does Luke defeat Vader, and how does this movie stand up 40 years later? These are just some of the questions we dive into as we talk about Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi!

With bonus content about “The Red One”, by Rae Carson, the next chapter in Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View – The Empire Strikes Back.

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Superhero Ethics episode 274

2023 Year in Review

Paul and I look back on the themes that emerged during 2023 as we reflect on a year of ethics in genre media. And somehow, it all circles back to Blue Beetle.

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Star Wars Generations episode 228

Ahsoka • S1 E8

Erin and I finished our episode-by-episode coverage of Ahsoka as we discuss episode eight!

Bonus content about the characters we wished we had seen in this season.

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