
Meet Your Host

Nikki Kinzer

Nikki Kinzer has dedicated her career to fostering improved living systems, transitioning from retail management and human resources to professional organizing, where she discovered her vocation in aiding individuals with ADHD. She refocused her business in 2010 to cater to adults and college students with ADHD, becoming a certified coach with the ADD Coach Academy and the International Coaching Federation. Kinzer’s current venture, Take Control ADHD, offers coaching, online trainings, and fosters a global community for those seeking to understand and manage their ADHD. She also co-hosts the successful “Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast,” which since its inception in 2010, has amassed over 500 episodes, millions of downloads, and a vibrant Discord community for listener engagement.

Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Practicing ADHD Strategies

You’ve sat through all the seminars. You’ve read all the books. You’ve watched all the videos. Your brain is a cup overflowing with new goodies to try… and now you’re overwhelmed, discouraged, and disappointed that you’re not able to just get to it.

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

The Margins of ADHD

We spend a lot of time building gates and systems to protect ourselves from distraction of ADHD. But, what might we be losing at the expense of saying No?

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

What you want the world to know about ADHD — Part 1

There are so many signals coming at us; judgments, criticisms, guidance, and support. But so often, these messages come from those with limited experience with ADHD. This week on the show, asked you a simple question: What is it that you want the world to

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Mindful Listening for ADHD with Rebecca Shafir

One of the greatest muscles you can develop to help you relate to the world around you while living with ADHD is to become a better listener. Author Rebecca Shafir brings her communication skills — and her book on the subject — to help us out this week!

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

We’re Wired for Distraction!

Yes, you know what ADHD does to your attention. But did you know that part of your distractibility might just be because you’re … human?

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Friendship & ADHD (Part 2)

Building and maintaining strong friendships is critical to emotional well-being. When we announced that we were doing a show on friendships and ADHD, you spoke up.

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