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IM2003: Thanks for the Reactor!

We call back to a certain 1980’s mail-in for blueprints promotion as we mourn the passing of a character. Wait, it’s only the third minute you say? Things move fast when you’re building the blocks for one of your story’s main villains who cries to Sto-vo-kor! That’s right, Star Trek references ahead. Set phasers to stunning storytelling! Oh, and some retconning that questions the legacy of Tony Stark. Or does it? Our first big Iron Man 2 argument happens in minute three!

Film Sundries


Kyle Olson and Rob Kubasko are on the front line of the Marvel Movie Minute, pulling apart the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe … one minute at a time. This season, it’s time to zip up, suit up, and head to the track with the boirds.

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