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WACUBO Live — Incoming WACUBO Presidents Share the Pressure and Opportunity of Leadership Legacy

This week we have the second of our live podcasts coming to you from the Western Association of College and University Business Officers Annual Conference in San Francisco. Howard Teibel is joined by the incoming WACUBO presidents in which they share their hopes and insights around the power of a diverse and inclusive association, along with living up to the pressure of the legacy of leaders that has come before. 

Our guests this week include… 

  • WACUBO president Jean Vock, currently associate dean at Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
  • WACUBO 2nd vice president, Robert Moore, currently senior vice president, Colorado College
  • WACUBO At Large board member and Future Leaders’ Forum Program Committee Chair Arch Asawa, currently vice president for finance and administration and CFO, Soka University
  • WACUBO 2016 Annual Conference Host Chair Teresa Costantinidis, currently associate vice chancellor for budget and resource management at University of California, San Francisco

Thanks to all our guests for taking part in this wide-ranging conversation at the live event at the WACUBO Annual Conference in San Francisco.

Exploring the complex waters of Higher Education.

Join Howard Teibel and guests as they dissect issues facing institutions and teams in transition and offer solutions for the most troubling process challenges.

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