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Dr. Ari Tuckman

Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

ADHD & the Non-ADHD Partner with Dr. Ari Tuckman

Over the last few weeks, we have been exploring different topics related to our relationships and how we interact with others. Today, we welcome Dr. Ari Tuckman for a conversation about the relationship dynamic with one ADHD partner and one non-ADHD partner.

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Lies & ADHD with Ari Tuckman

This week, we’re thrilled to have Ari Tuckman back on the show to talk about ADHD and lies, the situations that are most likely to cause you to push that button, and how to reframe your behavior and make amends if you’ve found yourself in uncomfortable, lie-inducing situations.

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Sex & ADHD with Ari Tuckman

This week we’re hosting a frank conversation about sex and ADHD with our guest, psychologist and certified sex therapist, Dr. Ari Tuckman.

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