Meet The Guests

Paul Hoppe

Which Skywalker Rises?

Great news! We’ve secured a regular co-host, and this podcast is set to launch regular episodes by the end of January. For the time being,

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Luke Cage and Identity: Part 1

With the launch of Luke Cage, we discuss identity politics and the significance of a black bulletproof hero in today’s world.

We had a lot to say on the topic, so this is part 1 of 2.

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Who Can We Kill?

Do Chitauri lives matter? We analyze how superhero movies and TV shows justify who the heroes can kill, and how it relates to our own world.

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El Mariachi & The Castle

This week, Paul returns to talk about revenge. Why do we cheer when Inigo Montoya finally gives the six-fingered man what he deserves in The Princess Bride, yet think Frank Castle is wrong in Daredevil? Major spoilers for Daredevil, The Princess Bride, and more.

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