2019-11-09 – Saturday Matinée

There is no living actor better than a dead James Dean, apparently. Kung Fury is now furiouser. Corridor Crew can see the future. Original Ghostbusters cast is coming back. A League of Their Own heads to the Amazon.

2019-11-02 – Saturday Matinée

Pete showed up for the Godzilla effects and was rewarded in hero shots. Steve preps for Rewind with Nina. We start watching a few shows on tv+ and see the most expensive time travel forest ever documented on media. Is Disney vaulting everything again?

2019-10-26 – Saturday Matinée

A series of 1-star reviews for things. Pirates is going to Chernobyl? Netflix testing variable playback speeds. Big box set for Little China. Go, NOW, Max for Studio Ghibli.

2019-10-19 – Saturday Matinée

Apple signs Alfonso. Someone’s suing someone over the Panama Papers… again. Kanye’s new thing. $1000 to watch 30 Disney movies in 30 days? That’s $33.333/movie! Never Surrender documentary looks terrific, if you can see it.

2019-10-19 • Saturday Matinée

Apple signs Alfonso. Someone’s suing someone over the Panama Papers… again. Kanye’s new thing. $1000 to watch 30 Disney movies in 30 days? That’s $33.333/movie! Never Surrender documentary looks terrific, if you can see it.

2019-10-12 – Saturday Matinée

Alien anniversary, plus expensive theatrical event re-releases. Star Wars cookware. Brief Joker commentary. Andy’s still working through Stephen King adaptations, and good grief… there are a ton of Children of the Corn movies… it’s the CotCCU! Disney looking to buy Spidey for $5 billion? Tom Hardy trolling with costumes. There are no Easter eggs in Joker. RIP Robert Forster.

2019-10-05 – Saturday Matinée

According to Scorsese, a tomato does not equal cinema. Spielberg partners with the upcoming streaming service Quibi with a new property you can only watch at night. Throwing money at Jason Bourne with a spin-off TV series and a new film. Free Guy is coming.

2019-09-28 – Saturday Matinée

Spidey makes peace between Sony and Marvel. Go learn something about Salmon P. Chase. K.Feig is going to make a Star Wars movie. More Joker controversy. The Irishman is looking to be gold.

2019-09-21 • Saturday Matinée

Somehow we missed Battle at Big Rock. Also, old news. We haven’t been in the theater in a while. Steve insults Downton Abbey. Ad Astra isn’t for space people. AMC doesn’t know what “artisan” means.