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The Clone Wars • FINAL SEASON Review

Today we’re wrapping up our watch of the final season of The Clone Wars, Season 7. We’re looking at the clones and how their story plays out, examining Ahsoka in her days after leaving the Jedi, and… drumroll please… we’re delving deeper into Order 66.

Jeff and I were unable to align our schedules this week, but he will return to discuss our next movie, Revenge of the Sith, soon.

Meanwhile, we have two exciting pieces of news!

First, the Stranded Panda Podcast Network, which includes both this podcast and my other one, Superhero Ethics, is thrilled to announce a new podcast that I’m involved in—PandaVision! Here we talk about shows with superhero or other geek themes that don’t fit neatly into a ‘verse. Our inaugural episodes were on The Boys, and we’ve got more coming soon about Umbrella Academy to gear up for the upcoming new seasons. Check it out at PandaVision or by searching for PandaVision in your podcast app.

Secondly, our sister podcast, Superhero Ethics, is fast approaching its 100th Episode, and it’ll be live on Twitch this Thursday, 7/16 at 6 PM Central! Join us at Twitch.

We will have a panel of five all-star Superhero Ethics personalities, as we discuss some of our favorite geeky ethical questions. Be part of the conversation live! Share your thoughts, ask us questions, and we’ll respond in real-time.
You can also submit questions beforehand by emailing

Our full lineup of guests includes former co-hosts Paul Hoppe and Jacob Milicic, as well as regular guests Becky Allen, Jess Plummer, and Matthew Carroll.

A millennial, Gen Z’er, and Gen X’er walk into a cantina …

Each of us came into Star Wars in our own way, at our own time, and there is so much we can learn from each other when those differences fuel conversation, not conflict. Join Erin, Matthew, and Alex as we share our love for the galaxy far, far away on the Star Wars Generations Podcast!

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