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Star Wars Generations episode 221

We’re Back! Star Wars Generations!

Introducing Star Wars Generations – A New Voice for All Star Wars Fans

In this first episode under a new name, hosts Matthew Fox, Erin McGowan, and Alex Kormann introduce themselves and the vision for their rebranded podcast – Star Wars Generations!

They discuss:

  • Their personal histories with Star Wars and the movies/shows that meant the most growing up
  • How Star Wars appeals across generations, and their goal is to represent diverse perspectives
  • The shows, topics and characters they’re most excited to analyze going forward
  • Their favorite emotional moments and reflections on how hope emerges from darkness
  • Responding to fan questions about connecting through different eras of Star Wars
  • Ways to contact them and get involved in the Star Wars Generations community

This fun, insightful conversation lays the groundwork for a podcast that celebrates fandom beyond generational divides. Their infectious passion promises many lively debates and insights to come – including the Mortis arc, the World Between Worlds, and those original films!

A millennial, Gen Z’er, and Gen X’er walk into a cantina …

Each of us came into Star Wars in our own way, at our own time, and there is so much we can learn from each other when those differences fuel conversation, not conflict. Join Erin, Matthew, and Alex as we share our love for the galaxy far, far away on the Star Wars Generations Podcast!

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