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BTS: Join the Society!

Do you hear that sound? That beautiful sound? That is the sound of a new season of the Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society on the way!

In our newest Behind The Scenes Episode, your host Kara Gallo sits down with show creator Kyle Olson to give you a behind-the-scenes preview of season three of your favorite queer audio drama adventure set in steampunk France. What will our trio of talented ladies be facing this season? Fire it up and find out!

And now, you too can join The Society!

Making a podcast by yourself is hard work. Making an audio drama podcast is exponentially more difficult. Because now you have to beg an immensely talented cast of voice actors to help you make your show with no compensation beyond your vast wellspring of gratitude. And that leftover bucket of guilt, that’s reserved just for you. That’s the experience of producing The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society, and today we come to you, dear listener, for help.

Our podcast partners at TruStory FM have helped us to create The Society! It’s a membership program designed to give our favorite and most dedicated listeners access to more behind the scenes content, early release episodes, expanded shows, and so much more (as we think of it)! Tiers start at just $1 per month and the team is unimaginably excited to start delivering the goods to your own personal, bespoke podcast feed.

In all seriousness, our show is a massive labor of love, but we’re all independent creators working hard to put food on the table. We don’t enable any tracking material for invasive advertising, and we don’t sell your personal information. And so we ask you, honorably, to grace us with a few of your hard-earned doubloons so that we may keep to the work of entertaining you. Thank you for being one of the first members of The Society. We cannot do it without you.

And now, on with the show!

The flame of hope is still burning bright in the Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society, a queer radio drama adventure set in steampunk France.
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