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Incredible Hulk

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Marvel Movie Minute

IH084: Oedipus Schmoedipus!

In minute eighty-four of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob begin with the revelation that daddy issues are at the heart of the Hulk’s mythology and films. Bruce takes a nap and then wakes up with more hair than before. We’ll explain. Plus more deleted goodness of what could have been!

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Marvel Movie Minute

IH082: Performance Refrigerators for Blood!

In minute eighty-two of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob begin with a price discussion of attractive industrial fridges. We then return to a good old fashioned gun discussion. And blood. There’s lots of blood.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IH081: The Monster Study.

In minute eighty-one of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob start with a legitimately dark tale of a behavioral study gone wrong. Why? Because we’re back to Dr. Stern’s House of Horrors with a freshly “cured” Bruce. What’s an amygdala and myostatin? Professor Kyle gives you the lowdown. We also talk about college basketball uniforms. There’s a reason!

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Marvel Movie Minute

IH080: This Minute is One Big, Long Shrinky Dink.

In minute eighty of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob recharge their mojo with childhood fondness for oven based crafts. We witness the Hulk suffer serious shrinkage in a very well done detransformation sequence. Then we get to discuss another deleted scene featuring Sparr. You will demand shirts celebrating the Major!

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Marvel Movie Minute

IH079: We Got Nothing.

In minute seventy-nine of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob begin with nothing. Look, there’s only so many awesomely creative cold opens even the most brilliant minds can come up with. And this minute has nada. Or does it? Does Rob jump the shark? Maybe.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IH078: Who’s Afraid of Electric Wolf?

In minute seventy-eight of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob talk werewolves and electroconvulsive therapy. You’ll have a howling good time as we dissect a closeup look of Bruce’s latest transformation. Just grab a box of Triscuits, some cracker toppings, sit back, relax and listen. Oh whoa, weird product placement you say? Nope. There’s also homework!

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Marvel Movie Minute

IH077: Dr. Stern’s House of Horrors.

In minute seventy-seven of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob start off with a story about that time when Tom Hanks tried to karate chop Fonzie at Arnold’s. You know there’s a reason for that. And it takes place in Dr. Stern’s house of… oh wait, we put it in the title. Be sure to listen to the end (it’s a short minute kids) for some fan shoutouts! We love you all.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IH076: His Pathetic Self: The Self That Lives Inside Him.

In minute seventy-six of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob go where no minute by minute analysis has gone before. Deep, deep into the psyche of one Emil Blonsky. Plus we ponder the most evil dentist office ever made. Everything is totally going to be ok! And the King Kong intro banter? You’ll understand. Trust us.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IH075: O Bother, What Art Thou Gestures?

In minute seventy-five of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob celebrate their diamond anniversary minute with a formal introduction of Mr. Tim Blake Nelson. He’s got an incredible acting resumé and the story of why he’s here involves a movie you may never have heard of starring Ed Norton.

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