“I don’t wanna” is not an ADHD strategy

Get ready to dive into the oh-so-fascinating world of emotional dysregulation and ADHD in our upcoming podcast. We’ll explore the science behind our reactions, how it impacts our daily lives, and how mastering the art of separating our emotions from our actions can lead to profound personal growth.

Macro-transitions and All The Feelings with Tommy Metz III

In the second of our series on transitions, we have Pete’s other partner-in-crime, Tommy Metz III, on the show to talk about forces of change, the trouble with transitions, and the launch of season 8 of our spiritual sister podcast, What’s That Smell Presents: All The Feelings.

Transitions Treats and Dopamine Redirection with ADHD

We’re kicking off our series on transitions — big and small — this week on the ADHD podcast. First up: the pesky micro-transitions that plague us. Whether you struggle with waking up, taking a break for lunch, redirecting frustration when interrupted, this week just might have something for you and your ADHD!

Embracing Failure as a Practice with ADHD

We’re wrapping up our series on games with an exploration of failure, how we learn from it, and how practicing the embrace of failure in gaming, might just help us become more resilient practioners in that game we call life with ADHD.

An Over-the-Counter Video Game for ADHD with Akili CEO Eddie Martucci

We’re continuing our series on gaming and ADHD this week. So far, we’ve explored how gaming ignites creativity and can expand perspectives and horizons. But what if we told you there was a game that is designed and build expressly to aid in treatment of attention disorders? Eddie Martucci is CEO of Akili and joins us today to talk about that very game, how it works, and what it just might be able to do for you.

Decoding the World of Games with Professor Colleen Macklin

Colleen Macklin is a game designer and a Professor in the School of Art, Media and Technology at Parsons School of Design and author of Iterate: Ten Lessons in Design and Failure. She’s interested in how games model and reveal ideologies through systems. And, incidentally, she reports she was recently diagnosed with ADHD, which makes her doubly cool in our crowd. She joins us today to talk about games and gaming and neurodiversity.

Turning ADHD Daily Life into a Game Worth Playing

You (yes, you), are a gamer. You might not think it, but somewhere deep inside you is a playful puzzler playing tag on the playground, making up rules for neighborhood romps, and kicking cans down the street. This week, we’re kicking off a series of conversations on games, and why rekindling that spirit of playfulness in yourself might just be key to unlocking a new perspective on your relationship with ADHD

The 2023 ADHD Podcast Job Survey Review

The results are in! When we kicked off our job series we asked you about your jobs, your red flags, the work you do, and the way you want to do it. Today, we’re going to review those results and see what we can learn from one another about the way work works for each of us.