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How to Split a Toaster episode 607

Helping Your Children Deal with Grief from the Divorce with Sara Hadgraft

Meet Sara Hadgraft

Pete’s out with Covid this week so Seth’s flying solo, but it was an important conversation we wanted to get out to you. Seth talks with Sara Hadgraft from Sparrow Counseling. She’s a licensed marriage and family therapist and a licensed professional counselor who guides families through the pain and disappointment of divorce. It’s a difficult process, but it’s important to learn how to talk to your kids so they don’t feel that it’s there fault that you’re getting divorced.

Sara has a list – “7 WAYS TO HELP YOUR CHILDREN GRIEVE YOUR DIVORCE” – that Seth references. These points are important tools you can use as you talk with your own children. What’s more important to realize, though, is that every kid is different. Every family is different. They all require you to do the work to figure out how to help each one.

That’s also important to remember – you will handle your four-year-old differently than your 11-year-old differently than your 17-year-old. And it’s also not a quick fix. This is help you’ll be providing for years as they grow up and become adults.

So tune in to this conversation. There’s a lot of helpful information in here that you can use as you create those conversations with your children about your own divorce.

Seth Nelson is a Tampa based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. In How to Split a Toaster, Nelson and co-host Pete Wright take on the challenge of divorce with a central objective — saving your most important relationships with your family, your former spouse, and yourself.
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