Callsheet • Behind the Sites with Casey Liss

Casey Liss is a podcaster, developer, and writer from Richmond, Virginia. He’s here today to talk about his latest app, Callsheet, an entertainment industry search experience that might just earn a prized spot on the home screen of your phone.

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Take 10 on Favorite College Albums

Top College Albums • Take 10

Dust off that CD player, we’re heading back to the nineties! In today’s episode, Kyle and Rob get melodious as they each discuss the 5 albums that got them through college. No soundtracks or cast recordings here, they’ve come to rock!

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Take 10 on Animated Sequences

Top Animated Sequences • Take 10

Rather than try and talk about our favorite animated movies, this list has our ten favorite animated sequences from movies. Maybe it’s the best part of a terrible movie or the crown jewel of an amazing film, but things are going to get animated (and emotional!) on this episode.

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Take 10 on Small Screen Trek

Kyle and Rob are back to talk Trek. This time, our list is stand alone episodes of Star Trek that meant something to us. No two-parters or movies are allowed. Make it so!

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Take 10 on Director’s Cuts

Kyle and Rob are back to discuss 10 alternate cuts of movies. Call them Director’s Cuts, Ultimate Editions, Assembly Cuts, whatever you want, we’re here to talk about ten other versions of the films we love. (And one we hate!)

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Take 10 on Disney+

Have some time social distancing by yourself or with the family and looking for something cool to watch? Join Kyle and Rob for a stroll down the Disney movie lane to fill up your watchlists now!

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Secret Origins of Superhero Cinema at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2019

Before Steve Rogers could do this all day, before Batman asked Superman if he could bleed, before Venom got weirdly obsessed with the pancreas, there was a superhero boom in the movies of the late 80s and early 90s that paved the way for the golden age we are presently experiencing. This panel event recorded at the Phoenix Fan Fusion 2019.

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