You've Found a Date!

January 15, 2018

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

The Saturday Matinée

2018-01-13 • Saturday Matinée

Marvel has up and destroyed their slate of upcoming films, pushing New Mutants back far enough to be able to reshoot the whole thing. Gambit loses a third director. But at least we get Deadpool 2 two weeks ahead of schedule. We’ve got a couple of fun trai

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Airplane! (1980)

It’s the podcast where… A film maker and a comedian save the day with some laughs and some discussion of your favorite 80s movies, so dont you worry… we are gonna land this podcast plane just fine… even if you’ve had the fish. This is season 1 Episode 1:

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A Most Excellent Intro Episode!

WELCOME TO A MOST EXCELLENT 80s MOVIES PODCAST! It’s the podcast where a film maker and a comedian take a hilarious look at the 80s movies we love, hate, hate to love and love to hate. This is Season 1 Episode 00 – “Most Excellent Intro Episode” Whereupon

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