IM014: Male Bonding At Altitude
in which Andy, Pete, and guest Lorraine Dahm-Milligan from Legible Scrawl wonder about Tony’s staffing requirements, debate the flight time from LA to Kabul, and question Tony’s connections to House Stark
We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.
in which Andy, Pete, and guest Lorraine Dahm-Milligan from Legible Scrawl wonder about Tony’s staffing requirements, debate the flight time from LA to Kabul, and question Tony’s connections to House Stark
Do shape shifters steal clothes from their victims? If a shape shifter takes on the form of a tiny lady, does it take on her physical strength as well? How elaborate do ghosts need to be in order to commit the perfect dollhouse murder?
Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we kick off our look into the films of the Rocky franchise with John G. Avildsen’s 1976 film Rocky.