You've Found a Date!

February 11, 2019

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

Marvel Movie Minute

IM026: A Swath of Powerless Houses

in which Andy, Pete and our guest Eric Nash from the Watchmen Minute Podcast talk about the first appearance of the mini arc reactor, Tony’s physical version of an exploded view, and all about Gigajoules

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The Saturday Matinée

2019-02-09 • Saturday Matinée

Andy and Steve talk upcoming Trailer Rewind with The Bachelors, plus some good alt-TV with Killing Eve and Russian Doll. Albert Finney has a hell of a legacy. Andy has nearly finished his Melissa McCarthy series and we have a list of wrestlers on film tha

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