IM056: ‘TenRingsian’ Slang
in which Andy, Pete, and our guests this week – Scott Carrelli and Nick Jimenez from Cornetto Minute – talk about Raza’s scabby face, Star Wars wipes, and the Mark II boot design
We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.
in which Andy, Pete, and our guests this week – Scott Carrelli and Nick Jimenez from Cornetto Minute – talk about Raza’s scabby face, Star Wars wipes, and the Mark II boot design
Pete explores options for general home protection while Tommy brings lessons in restaurant etiquette on behalf of those cursed as recipients of grand gestures.
Fox TV divisions are enduring the merger purge. Jordan Peele’s ‘Us’ cements his horror-thriller brand. Apple to announce video, TV, news subscription service on 3/25. Marvel closer to locking a 2020 date for Black Widow feature, director announced. Plus a