You've Found a Date!

June 1, 2020

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

The Saturday Matinée

2020-05-30 • Saturday Matinée

New Trek series announced. Scream 5, apparently. Snyder cut shenanigans, and Henry Super Nick Fury Man Cavill. HBOMeh, plus Studio Ghibli, tho. Awkwafina, Karen Gillan in “Barry Meets Mean Girls”. Plus, three great trailers and a list of Tax Comedies!

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Marvel Movie Minute

IH056: Vehicular Accident Reaction Problems.

In minute fifty-six of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob consider the General’s hubris and how it gets cut short as the Hulk finds a way to escape Ross’ sonic barrage. This makes way for a discussion on the physical properties of said escape which thankfully, leads us to a classic GI Joe cartoon and good old Jim Ross references. And there’s an Enya cameo.

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