You've Found a Date!

March 16, 2021

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

Superhuman Public Radio

Envision a world teeming with superhumans: heroes and villains abound, and amidst them all, an NPR-style radio station tailored for the super-powered community. The creative minds behind the Superhuman Public Radio podcast join me to delve into the gig economy for henchpeople, the immigration rights of extraterrestrials, and the ways their passion for comic books as moral allegories inspired their innovative project.

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Living with ADHD: Stories from Our Listeners • Part 4

Our series continues with Kathleen’s story and her effort to build Getting Things Done® and the ever-evolving catalog of life goals and objectives into her digital tool of choice: Todoist. But it’s not just a story about Todoist, it’s a morality play abou

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2002: Irena the Cockatoo.

We confess our love for some movies featuring Russians and Val Kilmer. Why? You’ll understand because there’s a connection between one of them and this minute. But wait, we’ve got our first brand new character introduced in Iron Man 2. Not human, but it’s ok. There’s discussion of press conference cameras and we introduce everyone’s favorite antagonist family: the Vanko’s! If you love Yevgeni Lazarev and/or Mickey Rourke then this minute’s for you.

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How to Split a Toaster

Navigating Gray Divorce in the Family with authors Carol Hughes & Bruce Fredenburg

According to our guests today, late-in-life divorcées represent an unserved population. The complexities that come with navigating the divorce process, from adapting to a legal and financial system to communicating with the myriad relationships in and outside the family. How will you split a lifetime of assets? And most important to authors Carol Hughes and Bruce Fredenburg, how will you help your adult children and their children adapt to this new normal?

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