The What’s That Smell? Special Episode #2: We’re Still Doing This?
Tommy revels in our upcycled food future … especially the bugs! Plus, masks make you invisible (no, they don’t), injection panic, and big doors.
We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.
Tommy revels in our upcycled food future … especially the bugs! Plus, masks make you invisible (no, they don’t), injection panic, and big doors.
Author Victoria Castle joins us this week to talk about her book, ‘The Trance of Scarcity’, and how living with ADHD is living with a natural position of less-than. How do we move from scarcity to abundance? This week we create that map!
The healthy post-divorce is a perennial favorite around these parts. But what happens when the divorce process is not so peaceful? We’re taking on the antagonistic divorce on the Toaster this week.
You’ve never thoughts so much about bunnies. We return to one of our favorite Marvel segments: Awkward Conversations in Planes. There are challenges with time in this minute which can only be rationalized with time zone science. Pepper gets a battery-related mic drop, which gives us reason to argue. What a relief it is, therefore, that we are able to ground ourselves in a Hamilton reference.
Our jam packed Season Finale sees the Ladies calling on some old friends to help with with their grand plan to stop The Final Roundup. But will it be enough? Find out in E6: “Many Hands Make Light Work”
How effective is Guy Ritchie with this tonal shift from his previous crime films? How does the story work as a remake of the 2004 French film “Le Convoyeurs”? How much does the trailer spoil the surprises in the film? Joining the conversation today are our very own Jordan Petersen along with Hannah Buchdahl and Charlie Juhl from The Cinema Clash Podcast. Check it out!
It’s been quite a break but Lifehacks is back! This time with a brand new host and a season of great tools and services to make the most of your time and energy!