You've Found a Date!

October 25, 2021

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.


The Mandys Are Suspect

Greg Abbott, fantasy football, Evan Hansen, and the Wondery podcast *Suspect* are all on tap in this week’s episode of MandCave!

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The Saturday Matinée

2021-10-23 • Saturday Matinée

Steve Sarmento is in the big chair this week with Mandy Kaplan and Pete Wright with box office news, labor updates, a sandwich game, and a list of movies in movies!

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Mission Forward with Carrie Fox

Communicating by Design with Tim Hykes

Tim Hykes is a designer, user interface consultant, and host of the Unconference Podcast. Today he joins Carrie Fox to talk about design as a means of communication and equity.

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Marvel Movie Minute season 4 episode 16 • Thor 016: How could they give Idris Elba so little to do as Heimdall?
Marvel Movie Minute

Thor 016: How Could They Give Idris Elba So Little to Do as Heimdall?

Krissy Lenz and Nathan Blackwell from the Most Excellent 80s Movies Podcast join us this week! In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ Thor and his group arrive at Heimdall’s Observatory, Loki tries to smooth talk Heimdall into letting them through, then Heimdall reveals that he wants to know how frost giants slipped past his watch.

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