Passing the Mic
As we kick off Season 8, our host Megan Strand bids us adieu as she heads off to start a new career. Here, she introduces us to Donna Schiele, our new host of the show.
We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.
As we kick off Season 8, our host Megan Strand bids us adieu as she heads off to start a new career. Here, she introduces us to Donna Schiele, our new host of the show.
In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ Volstagg tells everybody to run while Thor hits Jotun after Jotun. He finally uses Mjølnir to bring lightning down, blasting everyone. Unfortunately, it also causes a massive collapse of Jotunheim’s crust and everyone tries to run so as to not fall into the bowels of the planet. Cass Fredrickson from Lord of the Rings Minute joins us this week!
The topic of the day is NaNoWriMo, the writing endurance test where writers are tasked with writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. All three of us competed in this Mount Everest of writing challenges with varying levels of success. But what does success even mean in this case? We’ll talk ideas, strategies and then take some time to create a story from scratch.