10 Random Things for February 16, 2022
Your weekly guide to things audiences and fans are talking about, hosted by Rob Kubasko and Kyle Olson from The Next Reel Family of Film Podcasts.
We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.
Your weekly guide to things audiences and fans are talking about, hosted by Rob Kubasko and Kyle Olson from The Next Reel Family of Film Podcasts.
Join us for a conversation with Teri Zamora as she talks about what she’s brought with her from her past careers, being accountable for yourself, and the importance of always keeping students at the center of all the decisions you make.
In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ Thor takes back Mjølnir to destroy Bifrost. Loki tries to stop him but Thor’s too strong and the bridge breaks, obliterating Heimdall’s Observatory. Dr. Arnold Blumberg closes out his week with us.