You've Found a Date!

July 5, 2022

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

X-Men in the MCU

What will it look like to bring the X-Men into the MCU? We’re pondering how the mutant narrative will evolve in a world that’s become accustomed to superpowers. Is it time to move beyond the traditional Professor X/Magneto conflict, and what new paradigms might we explore? Joining Paul and me to dissect these questions is X-Men expert Miles Stokes.

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How to Split a Toaster

Rebroadcast: Laura Friedman Williams on Sex and Reinvention After Divorce

Laura Friedman Williams spent years in the publishing business, but it was only when her marriage broke up that she found the inspiration to write a book of her own: “Available: A Memoir of Sex & Dating After a Marriage Ends”. Laura was in the toaster back in season 3 and we’re thrilled to bring her back for you in our summer break!

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Human Solutions

The “F” Word: Employer Flexibility

Terry Cook, Jillian Derby, and Kelly McInnis, join Pete Wright to talk all about flexibility in the workplace, what it means today, and what managers can do on their own to foster flexibility.

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Marvel Movie Minute • Hiatus • The Wolfman
Marvel Movie Minute

Hiatus • The Wolfman

Pete and Andy return for another member bonus episode. We jump back to 2010 to discuss what Joe Johnston was doing before he signed on with the MCU – it’s his 2010 film ‘The Wolfman.’

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