You've Found a Date!

May 18, 2023

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Breaking out of the ‘What Do You Do?’ Box

What do you do? You’re probably tempted to try and describe your job title. But what does that mean to anyone outside your business, and how well does that title describe who you are? This week, Nikki and Pete kick off the ADHD Jobs Series with an exploration of work, and how our work defines us.

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Mission Forward with Carrie Fox

More Than Words: A Conversation on Social Impact Communications with John Trybus

John Trybus is a professor at Georgetown University and Director of the Center for Social Impact Communication. He sat down with Carrie Fox for a conversation on the role and power of social impact communications on the cusp of the release of her book, “More Than Words: Communications Practices for Courageous Leaders.” Our thanks to the University for offering the event to us to share with you.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Six • The Avengers • Minute 74
Marvel Movie Minute

Part of the Plan All Along

Kurtis Findlay from the Epic Marvel Podcast joins us to talk about minute 74 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from a shaken Nick calling for Hill to Tony telling Steve he’ll meet him at engine three.

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Exposure and Humiliation as a High-Conflict Strategy

In some high conflict cases, we may have reached the end of our rope and resort to what we see as our only option: threatening to expose the high conflict person’s bad behavior to others. Will this work or will it backfire? In today’s episode, Megan and Bill discuss this delicate and challenging topic.

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The Next Reel • Season 12 • Series: Mission: Impossible • Mission: Impossible
The Next Reel Film Podcast

Mission: Impossible

We kick off the final series of the season, looking at Tom Cruise’s and Paula Wagner’s first foray into producing. That’s right, we’re talking about Brian De Palma’s 1996 film MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE. As the film that kicks off the franchise, how does it hold up? Tune in!

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