You've Found a Date!

May 24, 2023

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

The Exorcist Minute

Minute 71 – What An Excellent Day For Placebos!

On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:The main villain of The Exorcist…is the Patriarchy. No, really. Don’t tell the normies, but magick is just wellness. With more candles. Our brains are stupid and we can trick them. The Placebo Effect on a BIBLICAL

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The Curiosity Codex

Chapter 16: 150 Bazillion Mistakes

The movie has premiered. ‘Jess Plus None’ is in the world now and Kyle has seen it. This week, Mandy Fabian is back to talk about the whirlwind of activity leading up the premiere, reflections on the film’s love language, and what it means to just let actors … act.

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Gank That Drank!

The Heroes Journey

Everything is NORMAL on Gank That Drank: A Supernatural Drinking Game Podcast! Stumble along with Nate and Krissy as they create and play along with drinking game rules while recapping this favorite episode of our favorite show, Supernatural! it’s season 5, episode 10: The Heroes’ Journey.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Six • The Avengers • Minute 78
Marvel Movie Minute

TA078: Hulk Head Through Bulk Head

Jason Dittmer, Professor of Political Geography at University College London and author of ‘Captain America and the Nationalist Superhero’, joins us to talk about minute 78 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from the hallway chase to Steve warning Tony about that thing getting up to speed.

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