Through the Farscape Wormhole with Audrey Kearns
Aliens, Puppets, and Wormholes, Oh My! Audrey Kearns Guides Mandy Down the Farscape Wormhole!
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Aliens, Puppets, and Wormholes, Oh My! Audrey Kearns Guides Mandy Down the Farscape Wormhole!
In this episode of Trilio Insights, Rodolfo Casás reveals the must-have features of Trilio for OpenShift and OpenShift virtualization data protection. From the simplicity of the OpenShift console plugin to the stunning low recovery time objective capability, Rodolfo showcases how Trilio empowers customers to protect their Kubernetes environments with ease and efficiency.
On this ANIMORPHIC episode of The Devil’s Details: “Dangil” or “Virte?” Devils all up in this malebolge! “Hypocrisy” By Calvin Klein. “Now, I’m not a puppy drowner, BUUUUUT………”…and more!
美術監督・種田陽平が、自身のキャリアと溝口健二監督の『雨月物語』の忘れがたい芸術 性について語ります。映画における視覚的なストーリーテリングの魅力的な探求です。