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Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi

Matthew returns with not just a new marital status and a partner but also a new name—Matthew Davis McCreary Fox—and a renewed zest to delve into Return of the Jedi! We’re examining Vader’s pivotal turn, discussing how this movie stands the test of time nearly 40 years later, and making a case for why everyone could use a bit more “Yub-Nub” in their lives. Joining Matthew for this episode are Ashley Coffin and Paul Hoppe.

On a separate and important note—as I acknowledged at the start of this episode, I realize I haven’t done enough to diversify the range of voices on this and other podcasts I’m involved with, or to amplify the voices of individuals with different life experiences than my own. With that in mind, I’m reaching out to you, the listener: if you know of any writers, podcasters, or other content creators, particularly those who aren’t white, male, or straight-cis, whose work you think should be featured, please let me know. Share your recommendations here or send them to me at

A millennial, Gen Z’er, and Gen X’er walk into a cantina …

Each of us came into Star Wars in our own way, at our own time, and there is so much we can learn from each other when those differences fuel conversation, not conflict. Join Erin, Matthew, and Alex as we share our love for the galaxy far, far away on the Star Wars Generations Podcast!

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