We wrap up our discussion of the Star Wars original trilogy—things we noticed, favorite characters and storylines, issues, and parts of which we want more.
Key Discussion Points
- Our greater appreciation for the original trilogy and characters like Han, Luke, and Leia after analyzing them more closely as adults
- We examine issues around the “Slave Leia” outfit and the need for more diversity in the original trilogy casts
- Lucas was a creative visionary but needed editors and collaborators to refine his ideas into an accessible story
- The trilogy holds up well as a coherent narrative, more so than the prequels or sequels
- Highlights include the droids as connective threads and Greek chorus, the consistent humor of C-3PO, and Mark Hamill’s layered performance as Luke
Other Topics Covered:
- Flaws like the Leia sibling reveal, underdeveloped characters like Chewbacca, and logic gaps around the Falcon being tracked
- Possible spinoff shows around characters like Lando Calrissian and backstories of figures like Mon Mothma
- Whether a standalone Darth Vader movie is needed or if appearances in other stories would be better
- Cosplay charity events for kids with communication disorders