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DON’T LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE OF THE FILM BOARD until you see Split! Here at The Next Reel, we always mention how WE SPOIL MOVIES and this month we’ve taken on twistmaster M. Night Shyamalan’s newest film with a conversation that is completely impossible without SPOILING this movie for you. That being said, go see it and then come and join us because there is lots and lots to talk about from this psychological thriller put together in the classic Shyamalan style. 

Suspense and terror is front and center for the first part of 2017 and gathering together this month, we’ve got Andy, Steve, Tommy, and JJ to start it up. If you’ve got strong feelings about MNS movies, you really should see Split and then check us out. When the movie ends, our conversation begins.

Film Sundries

The Film Board gathers for an in-depth panel discussion on a film just released in theaters and spoil it rotten.
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