Break Check 5: The Hot Onez Knock-Off Adulting Show

Our brave hosts embark on a journey through the Tabanero Hot Sauce Challenge, a sadistic gauntlet of increasingly ferocious condiments that culminates in something ominously named Dragon’s Breath, which sounds less like a food product and more like something that should require a hazmat suit and a government permit.

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You've found a sometimes-funny podcast about being human with Tommy Metz III & Pete Wright.

When you become a Feeling Friend, you’re supporting independent podcasting. We don’t track you. We only collect the information we need to send you member stuff. No advertising. Just steaming hot emotional exploration in the shape of podcast content. Plus, members will get to join us for our live stream recording sessions in our Discord community, early access to each episode in their own personal podcast feeds … and a collection of our new Feeling Friend stickers!

All The Feelings: Sins & Virtues

Who are we kidding. This season is all about the stuff we did wrong. 

The Episodes of Season Nine

All The Feelings

Tommy and Pete embrace a bigger canvas in season eight of the emotional podcast no one asked for.

The Episodes of Season Eight


Welcome to the rollercoaster ride that is the inaugural episode of WTS Presents: All the Feelings, where we’re tackling the big, scary, exhilarating, and occasionally refrigerator-filled world of change. Today we’re serving up a cocktail of emotion, with a dash of humor, a sprinkle of sarcasm, and a generous dose of poetry.

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WTS Season 7

Tommy and Pete cement themselves in the role of weird staring guy in an island paradise.

The Episodes of Season Seven

WTS Season 6

Tommy and Pete anchor another season of anxieties, fears, and phobias in a case of canned mixed coolers. In season 6, Pete and Tommy face fandom, bugs, drones, and swelling.

The Episodes of Season Six

WTS Season 5

Tommy and Pete lean into the delicious metaphorical anxiety sauce that drenches their lives, and some literal sauces, too. In season 5, Pete and Tommy face bugs, eat stuff, and are generally sorry about all of it, even the stuff you send in to the show.

The Episodes of Season Five

WTS Season 4

Tommy and Pete dive into the bureaucracy that underpins the anxiety industrial complex. In season 4, Pete and Tommy invent new words, ditch dining out, and once again face the down-there fears that plague them … and their listeners.

The Episodes of Season Four

WTS Season 3

Tommy and Pete face down the legends of their darkest anxieties… and yours, too. In season 3, Pete and Tommy unveil the dark truth about their podcasting endeavor and answer the question of what goes pee in the night.

The Episodes of Season Three

WTS Season 2

Tommy and Pete take on the greatest mysteries of the universe. In season 2, the crew takes on new anxieties and welcomes submissions from voices of the world in this follow-up to their “hit” first season.

The Episodes of Season Two

WTS Season 1

A sometimes-funny podcast about humans and their anxieties. In our inaugural season, Pete and Tommy explore their anxieties and learn to laugh along the way.

The Episodes of Season One

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