It’s the blog. The Next Reel Film Podcast blog. And they said blogging was dead

Presenting our 2014 Lineup!

In the past, we had opted to keep our series and movies hush-hush until the last minute so as to keep things a surprise. It only took us 2+ years to realize that if we made our list public, people could actually watch the movie before the show and be ready to listen to the show as soon as it aired!  What a concept!  So with that, presenting our list of films we’ll be watching in 2014 (plus 3 hangers-on from 2013 and a bonus series for 2015)!  

The+Next+Reel s+Letterboxd+Watchlist jpgThe+Next+Reel s+Letterboxd+Watchlist

For those of you counting, you will notice we’re a bit short of a year’s worth of episodes. We do have some not listed on here, and those are because they’re not decided yet. Those are:

  • 3 Listener’s Choice episodes, in which we will not only pick a suggestion from a listener but also let them intro the film, telling everyone why they picked that film as one for a discussion on The Next Reel. If you want to have a chance to pick one of these episodes, make sure you head over to iTunes and leave a review and rating of the show! This is the ONLY way to get in on the listener choice picks. 
  • 2 Guilty Pleasure episodes, in which we each pick one of our guilty pleasure films and surprise the other with it the week before the show. This is just a fun chance for us to make each other watch things we may not have on our radar or may not want to actually watch. This will be a fun experiment and we’re both rather excited about the opportunity to surprise/annoy each other.
  • 2 Holiday films for the end of the year. We’re still deliberating on our Christmas (or insert other end-of-year holiday) and New Year’s films. Any ideas? We do prefer the less obvious choices.

And there is one option on here that we’re not actually going to discuss — in our Found Footage series, both “[REC]” and “Quarantine” are listed.  Andy and Pete are only going to talk about one of those two. If you have any skin in the game, let us know to help us decide.

So with that, check it out and start watching so you can be ready for each episode! And let us know if you’re struggling figuring out what the various series are. We’ll let you try to guess otherwise.

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