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Special Episode • Business Officers Share Their Thoughts on Analytics

Welcome to this special bonus episode of CBO Speaks. We’ve been asking each of our interviewees to sum up their thoughts, in less than a minute, on various topics that are top-of-mind for our listeners right now. We’ve collected their responses to share with you in these mini topical episodes and today we’re hearing from business officers about analytics. Colleges and universities are embracing analytics and using data, technology, and specialized knowledge to answer questions, reveal institutional needs, predict outcomes, or improve financial performance. Let’s hear from our CBOs on how they’re using analytics on campus to best prepare their institutions for the future.

Explore Issues Shaping the Business of Higher Education.
Hear colleagues, experts, and industry leaders explore issues, provide best practices, offer solutions to new questions that may not have been asked before, and think through how recent developments will shape their institutions in the months and years ahead.

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