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Bradley Kendrex

Chandler-Gilbert & Mesa CCs CBO Bradley Kendrex on Finding the School’s Core Components in These Changing Times

Bradley Kendrex is the Executive Vice President for Finance and Operations at Chandler-Gilbert Community College and Mesa Community College in the Maricopa Community College system in the Phoenix, Arizona area. In this episode, Kendrex joins our host Donna Schiele to talk about the challenges of being CBO at two colleges simultaneously, how continuing as an instructor helps him stay current, and the ever-changing times in which we’re living.

“Higher education is renowned for being planted in tradition and staying current and trying to keep steady through whatever is going on in society, but I feel like we’re in more tumultuous times than we always acknowledge,” he says. He continues that we need to start opening doors and windows that have been excluded in the past and have the hard conversations about what is core, what is important, and what needs to be done to grow and sustain that part of the community.

Join us for a conversation with Kendrex as he talks about the importance of having a broader context to the role, using storytelling with analytics in this business, and the value of learning from mistakes Jenga-style.

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