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Oberlin College CBO Rebecca Vazquez-Skillings on Being a Marathoner, Not a Sprinter

Rebecca Vasquez-Skillings is the Vice President for Finance & Administration at Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. In this episode, Vazquez-Skillings joins Megan Strand to talk about navigating COVID as a marathon, not a sprint, and learning the ropes through the program review process.

“The first leg of the marathon came out of the program review,” she says. They were able to learn to move students across programs and delivery models, train faculty in new technology, and leverage unforeseen opportunities along the way. “We were able to engage students, parents, faculty, and staff in new ways that I think will stick around beyond the pandemic.”

Join us for a conversation with Rebecca Vazquez-Skillings as she talks about learning to move quickly without neglecting what matters along the way, and defining short-term solutions that support long-term initiatives.

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