The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Rarely does a film truly take you into somebody’s head for almost the entire film. Sure, you get POVs here and there in films, but it’s a tricky tool to use, especially for longer periods of time. When Ronald Harwood hit on this in-the-head technique for his adaptation of Jean-Dominique Bauby’s biography, it was exactly what the story needed to be told as a film. Enter Julian Schnabel, an artist/filmmaker who brought his own intuitive magic to the directing of it, and you end up with 2007’s “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly,” a stunningly gorgeous film that’s as powerful a story of human resilience and beauty as it is a difficult film to watch because of the subject — a man living with locked-in syndrome. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we continue our foreign language series with this brilliant film.