the Most Excellent 80s Movies Podcast
Evil Dead II (1987)
Krissy Lenz, Nathan Blackwell, and guest Nate McWhortor dive into the cult classic Evil Dead II (1987) with spine-tingling insights and hilarious commentary.
Discover the remarkable film directors featured on TruStory FM’s entertainment podcasts. Learn about their creative journeys and lasting contributions to cinema through each of these archive episodes.
Krissy Lenz, Nathan Blackwell, and guest Nate McWhortor dive into the cult classic Evil Dead II (1987) with spine-tingling insights and hilarious commentary.
Doctor Strange shows up in a Scarlet Witch movie! Also, Multiverse of Cameos, #amiright? Ocean, Tommy, and Krissy head to podcast 616!
The Film Board gathers to take on Disney’s latest trip to the Emerald Kingdom. This week on the show, Steve Sarmento and Tom Metz join Andy and Pete to pull apart Oz The Great and Powerful, and pull it apart they do.