Release Year Archive


For all you proper film enthusiasts who would like to peruse the films of  TruStory FM’s entertainment podcasts by release year. Get ready for a firehose of film history in these here stacks.

The Next Reel Film Podcast

Blow Out

Anyone who listens to the show knows that we have a love/hate relationship with Brian De Palma. With his 1981 film Blow Out, he makes one of his strongest films and lands squarely on the side of ‘love’ for us (thank the heavens since neither of us had seen it recently and we couldn’t remember it well enough). Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we continue our 1981 series with De Palma’s Blow Out.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

My Dinner with André

My Dinner With André is certainly not an easy film to classify. It certainly is a film that could be considered divisive, but that’s really between people who get into it and people who just don’t click with it. It is a film of two people having a conversation over dinner, after all. But to many, it is one of Louis Malle’s classics, a film that makes many lists of great films, and a film that inspires conversation. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we have our own conversation about this film that fits in our 1981 film series.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

Escape from New York

Many films in the early 80s continued the cynicism of the 70s, and that certainly holds true for a number of John Carpenter’s films, who has used several of his films and characters in them to take a pointed look at the hypocrisy of the government and society’s ills as he saw them. His 1981 film ‘Escape From New York’ falls into that mold, while also feeling like nothing more than an early 80s action thriller set in a dystopian future. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we continue our 1981 series with Carpenter’s ‘Escape From New York.’

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

Das Boot

Wolfgang Petersen’s epic WWII submarine film came out in Germany in 1981 and changed the way many filmmakers constructed tension in war and action films. It changed the way people viewed Germans during the war because it portrayed the submariners as simply human. And it became the most popular foreign language film in the US for a very long time. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we begin our series on 1981 with Petersen’s “Das Boot.”

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The Next Reel • Season 1 • Series: Indiana Jones • Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Next Reel Film Podcast

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Everything about Steven Spielberg’s 1981 adventure film, “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” is iconic. From the unforgettable lines that are so easy to quote, to the brilliant characters saying them and the pitch-perfect actors playing them, to the countless scenes full of adventure and danger, to John Williams’ score, to Jones’ hat and whip.

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