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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Film Board Gathers! This month the gang of thugs takes on the seventh film in the Star Wars saga, this from reboot master, J. J. Abrams. Does he bring his magic rebootinator to set every day to apply just the right dose of mystery and lens flare? Is he able to get performances from Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac to best our Star Wars expectations? Can Tommy remember what the bad-guy-ships are called? 

Join Steve Sarmento, Justin Jaeger, Tommy Handsome, Andy Nelson, and Pete Wright for a discussion of all things Force Awakening, from Dan Mindel’s camera to John Williams’ orchestra to Daniel Craig as Stormtrooper JB–007, we have a blaster talking about this spiritual journey through our childhood. See the movie first, as spoilers abound, then join us!

Film Sundries

The Film Board gathers for an in-depth panel discussion on a film just released in theaters and spoil it rotten.
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