Meet Your Host

Howard Teibel

Howard Teibel works with Chief Business Officers, Chief Academic Officers and their teams to confront their toughest challenges as they envision how to define – and redefine – the value of a 21st century education. His academic writing includes co-authoring the book Redesigning Higher Education: Systemic Integration and Cluster Based Learning, written with Don Birx, President of Plymouth State University. He hosts Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education on TruStory FM.

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Economy, Strategy, and the People Factor

In his article, “[Financially Strapped Colleges Grow More Vulnerable as Economic Recovery Lags](,” Mark Keierleber documents the changi

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What Makes a Great CAO?

Academics represents the heart and soul of the mission of a great institution. And yet, even in service of that mission, the best chief academic officers understand the constraints defined by financial realities. This week on the show, Howard Teibel and P

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What Makes a Great CBO?

The relationship between the CBO and the institution is a powerful one. But making the transition between the role of manger to leader becomes representative of the responsibility of the role to the institution beyond the business office. This week on the

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